This is the personal blog of Ken Caldeira.
My main professional web site, and also the web site for the collaborative group in which I am enmeshed, is
I work for Breakthrough Energy.
I lead a research group at Carnegie Institution for Science on the Stanford University campus.
I have a LinkedIn page and a Twitter account.
Reuters did a biographical sketch of me a few years ago that is a good general overview (thanks, Maurice Tamman!).

Giwa Community Response is a newly formed Community Based Organization that deals with Environmental Conservation, tree planting, street / slum cleaning, and river cleanup every first Sunday of the Month at Nyeri County – Kenya, between 2.00 pm- to 4.30 pm. This involves about 55 – to- 70 volunteers.
We did our first Cleanup on 7th March 2021 around kiawara, majengo and around river Chania, in Nyeri County, Kenya and it was very successful though we are still facing some challenges like resources to buy more protective items; gumboots, gloves, branded t-shirts, garbage bags, and tree seedlings. Any of your assistance will be highly appreciated. ip / Assistance.